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- The enclosed disk contains a locked copy of Flipper. Until it
- is unlocked, it will make an announcement every time you enter
- the review mode after twenty minutes. This copy can be unlocked
- over the phone by contacting either Steve or Cynthia. Please
- call us and we will immediately unlock your copy for you by
- telephone.
- Flipper can use one of several voice synthesizers, the Accent
- from Aicom corporation,
- the SynPhonix card from Artic Technologies, the Dectalk
- from Digital Equipment corporation, the Echo from Street
- Electronics, and the Votrax PSS. Before you can start using
- Flipper, you need to set up one of these devices. The following
- paragraphs explain how to set up Flipper with the corresponding
- output devices, booting from a floppy disk. Flipper can also be
- loaded onto a hard disk and can start automatically from it, as
- described following the synthesizer installation instructions.
- In general, the devices fall into two categories, serial external
- devices, and internal card synthesizers. Serial synthesizers can
- be connected with a simple three wire null modem cable. They should
- be set to 9600 baud, even parity, one stop bet, 7 bits per character
- and software (Xon, Xoff) handshaking.
- The instructions for installing the internal cards are included
- with the synthesizers, but we suggest that you either have your
- computer store or an experienced friend do the installation if
- you have not installed cards before. The installation, however,
- is quite straightforward. Internal Cards require software to
- be loaded, as explained below.
- To use Flipper with the Synphonix card from Artic Technologies,
- you will first need to do two things. First, you need to
- install the Artic Card in the back of the computer.
- Next, you will need to make a working disk for Flipper (or you
- can use a hard disk). To configure a startup disk for Flipper,
- format a boot disk for MS--DOS 2.0 or later, then copy onto it
- all of the files from your Flipper disk and these two additional
- files:
- "sonix.com" and "tts.com"
- They are part of the Synphonix package from Artic Technologies.
- After you have finished copying the files, you will have a disk
- which will load Flipper automatically if it is in the A: drive
- when you turn on your computer.
- To use Flipper with the Accent from Aicom Corporation,
- you will first need to do two things. First, you need to
- install the Accent in the back of the computer.
- Next, you will need to make a working disk for Flipper (or you
- can use a hard disk). To configure a startup disk for Flipper,
- format a boot disk for MS--DOS 2.0 or later, then copy onto it
- all of the files from your Flipper disk, then delete the file
- "vocab.lex". The additional file:
- "spkacnt.dvc"
- which is also needed, is part of the package from Aicom. The
- next step is to rename the file named "accent.bat" to
- "autoexec.bat", and the file named "accent.sys" to "config.sys".
- You should now have a disk which will load Flipper automatically
- if it is in the A: drive when you turn on your computer.
- To use Flipper with the Accent Mini from Aicom Corporation,
- you will first need to do two things. First, you need to
- install the Accent mini in the back of the computer.
- Next, you will need to make a working disk for Flipper (or you
- can use a hard disk). To configure a startup disk for Flipper,
- format a boot disk for MS--DOS 2.0 or later, then copy onto it
- all of the files from your Flipper disk, then delete the file
- "vocab.lex". The additional file:
- "spkmini.dvc"
- which is also needed, is part of the package from Aicom. The
- next step is to rename the file named "mini.bat" to
- "autoexec.bat", and the file named "mini.sys" to "config.sys".
- You should now have a disk which will load Flipper automatically
- if it is in the A: drive when you turn on your computer.
- The Dectalk must be attached to your computer by its serial
- port, communication port one or two. Flipper can use the cable
- included with the Dectalk for connection to the Dectalk. The
- Dectalk needs to be set to 9600 baud and connected through its
- host port. To make a startup disk for the Dectalk, format a
- boot disk for MS--DOS 2.0 or later, copy all of the files from
- the Flipper disk onto it, then rename the file named
- "dectalk.bat" to "autoexec.bat". If you want to use the
- secondary serial port for the Dectalk, you will need to change
- the d followed by a 1 in that file, on the line starting with
- "flipper" , to a d followed by a 2. All that Flipper needs when
- it is loading is to have a d followed by a 1 on its command line
- if it is to use a Dectalk attached to the primary serial port,
- or d followed by a 2 if it is to use a Dectalk attached to the
- computer's secondary serial port. If you have difficulty
- configuring the Dectalk, please call us. You should now have a
- disk which will load Flipper automatically if it is in the A:
- drive when you turn on your computer.
- The ECHO must be attached to your computer by its serial port,
- communication port one or two. Flipper can use the cable
- included with the ECHO to connect to the ECHO. The ECHO needs
- to be set to 9600 baud. To make a startup disk for the ECHO,
- format a boot disk for MS--DOS 2.0 or later, copy all of the
- files from the Flipper disk onto it, then rename the file named
- "echopc.bat" to "autoexec.bat". If you want to use the secondary
- serial port for the ECHO, you will need to change the e followed
- by a 1 in that file, on the line starting with "flipper", to an
- e followed by a 2. All that Flipper needs when it is loading is
- to have a e1 on its command line if it is to use a ECHO attached
- to the primary serial port, or e followed by a 2 if it is to use
- a ECHO attached to the computer's secondary serial port. If you
- have difficulty configuring the ECHO, please call us. You
- should now have a disk which will load Flipper automatically if
- it is in the A: drive when you turn on your computer. The
- ECHO's response time is slow, so you will probably want to use
- word by word echo.
- These devices must be attached to your computer by its serial
- port, communication port one or two. Flipper can use a three
- wire null modem cable for connection. The device should be set
- to 9600 baud. To make a startup disk, format a boot disk for
- MS--DOS 2.0 or later, copy all of the files from the Flipper
- disk onto it, then rename the file named "B_S.bat" to
- "autoexec.bat". If you want to use the secondary serial port,
- you will need to change the b followed by a 1 in that file, on
- the line starting with "flipper", to an b followed by a 2. All
- that Flipper needs when it is loading is to have a b1 on its
- command line if it is to use the primary serial port, or b
- followed by a 2 if it is to use the computer's secondary serial
- port. If you have difficulty, please call us. You should now
- have a disk which will load Flipper automatically if it is in
- the A: drive when you turn on your computer. You will probably
- want to use word by word echo with these devices.
- The VOTRAX must be attached to your computer by its serial port,
- communication port one or two. Flipper can use the cable
- included with the VOTRAX to connect to the VOTRAX. The VOTRAX
- needs to be set to 9600 baud. To make a startup disk for the
- VOTRAX, format a boot disk for MS--DOS 2.0 or later, copy all of
- the files from the Flipper disk onto it, then rename the file
- named "votrax.bat" to "autoexec.bat". If you want to use the
- secondary serial port for the VOTRAX, you will need to change
- the v followed by a 1 in that file, on the line starting with
- "flipper", to a v followed by a 2. All that Flipper needs when
- it is loading is to have a v followed by a 1 on its command line
- if it is to use a VOTRAX attached to the primary serial port, or
- v followed by a 2 if it is to use a VOTRAX attached to the
- computer's secondary serial port. If you have difficulty
- configuring the VOTRAX, please call us. You should now have a
- disk which will load Flipper automatically if it is in the A:
- drive when you turn on your computer. The VOTRAX's response
- time is slow, so you will probably want to use word by word
- echo.
- Please call for information regarding use of other speech output
- devices.
- The preferred method for setting up a hard disk is to copy all of
- the files from the Flipper disk into a subdirectory called
- "FLIPPER", along with any support files, such as "SONIX.COM" and
- "TTS.COM" for the Artic card. An example "AUTOEXEC.BAT" file is
- included on the disk in the file called "HARD.BAT". It should
- be renamed AUTOEXEC.BAT and then placed in the root directory of
- the hard disk. You may need to remove the SONIX and TTS lines,
- if you are using another synthesizer, as well as adding the
- necessary characters to the "FLIPPER" line. For the Accent,
- you will also need to set up the CONFIG.SYS file as noted
- earlier.